Sunday, March 29, 2009


Brego's got an owie. :(  Perhaps I'll take a picture and post it later. When Tim looked out the window this morning, he hollered, "Oh, Laurie, your horse is in the neighbor's pasture..."  Somehow he was on the wrong side of the fence!  Tim got out quickly to get him, looked him over, and by that time I was dressed and looking out the window.  Tim saw me and gave me the "phone" sign.  I got out there with the phone, but as he was walking towards the neighbor's gate, he asked me to call the vet.  Yikes!  I didn't know what was wrong, but Brego didn't seem to be limping badly.  I had to wait until Tim got back with him.

Brego has some cuts on his leg, a large tear in the skin near the stifle, and it was swollen.  The vet came out and cleaned it up, felt of it, and he doesn't think there's anything wrong but the wound (no muscular or bone problems).  He gave us some meds and instructions to put hot packs on it twice a day and some goopy ointment to keep the swelling down.  He should be fine.

Tim looked along the fence to see if he could find how Brego got through.  There is a spot with some reddish fur on the top wire, and fresh blood on the other side.  Brego must have somehow gotten tangled up in it and went either through or over it.  He must have struggled a bit to get out.  Ya gotta wonder what these silly horses are doing in the middle of the night!  I think mine must be accident-prone.

We've got him in a small pen to keep him from being chased around by the other horses, but he does need some exercise, so today I took him out for a couple of walks and so did Tim.  Each time he was a bit stiff at first, but loosened up as we walked.  We'll keep doing that for a few days until he's well on the way to recovery.  Hopefully he'll be fine soon!

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